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AmeriCorps Team Improves San Lorenzo Valley Native Habitat

An AmeriCorps team led by San Lorenzo Valley Native Habitat Restoration Program founder and advisor Linda Skeff weeded invasive plants from the native plant demonstration beds at the San Lorenzo Valley Museum Grace Gallery in Boulder Creek on a rainy Saturday in April. Linda said of the work, “We got a good head start!”

While the AmeriCorps team is here in the San Lorenzo Valley, they will be working at Ben Lomond County Park on May 5th from 10am – 2pm in collaboration with the Santa Cruz County Parks Department, San Lorenzo Valley Native Habitat Restoration Program, The Valley Women’s Club of San Lorenzo Valley, and the Watershed Stewards Program in benefit of watershed/salmonid health. At least 30 community volunteers will be recruited for the 4-hour project to mulch the areas between the fence at the sidewalk and the main area of the park so that native vegetation can be planted in those areas. Kym Morello of the Ben Lomond Village Alliance has applied for a native plant grant in the hopes that all resources can be pooled together into a single effort.

The Ben Lomond Village Alliance recently hosted a volunteer cleanup day at Ben Lomond County Park ushering in the next wave of support from the AmeriCorps and Watershed Stewards Program teams.

For more information about the May 5th event, contact Margaret Ingraham, Volunteer Coordinator at the Santa Cruz County Parks Department: (831) 454-7927 | (831) 566-6529

Photos of the AmeriCorps team contributed by Linda Skeff.


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Julie Horner is Co-Founder and Editor for the San Lorenzo Valley Post. Julie lives and works in Boulder Creek and is an active participant in the county's vibrant music scene. She loves the outdoors and is the go-to expert on Santa Cruz Mountains hiking trails.

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